General information about the law firm Sp/f Eli Thorsteinsson advokatur
The law firm is organized as a private limited company with Faroese taxpayer identification number 648760 and Faroese company registration number 7524 and has taken out professional indemnity and guarantee insurance with HDI Global Specialty SE, which also covers Eli Thorsteinsson Attorney-at-Law. The company does not have any other employed lawyers. HDI Global Specialty SE, Denmark is a Danish branch of HDI Global Specialty SE in Germany and is located at Indiakaj 6, 1st floor, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø. The insurance covers all legal activities of the law firm, under this Eli Thorsteinsson Attorney-at-Law, regardless of where the legal activities take place.
Eli Thorsteinsson was admitted to the Bar by the Danish Ministry of Justice on January 4, 2016, is a member of The Danish Bar and Law Society, and is the sole owner of the law firm. Contact information for Eli Thorsteinsson is the same as that of the company, i.e., Børkugøta 12, FO-100 Tórshavn, email address, and phone number +298 590989.
The law firm and Eli Thorsteinsson Attorney-at-Law are supervised by The Danish Bar and Law Society and adhere to the rules of good legal practice, including section 164 of the Faroese procedural law and the ethical rules of the legal profession. Find more information on The Danish Bar and Law Society's website
The law firm has a provision in its terms and conditions that all disputes between the client and the company shall be resolved in accordance with applicable Faroese law and in the Faroese courts. If a client is dissatisfied with the consent or conduct of a lawyer and is unable to reach a settlement in the matter, there is always the possibility to appeal to the The Danish Bar and Law Society's Disciplinary Board. See more at
The company has a joint client bank account at Betri Banki. Read more about deposit insurance in the terms and conditons of the company here on the website.